
Since 1998

Selmer K-Modifed 25X S/N 25841 Large Bore .468′ W/ Reeves PVA


  • The bore size measured on the 2nd valve slide measures .468′(Selmers large bore). The bell diameter measures 4.75′.  The horn features a 1st valve trigger that works flawlessly.
  • This horn has that big warm volume of sound characteristic with Selmer K-Modified trumpets of its time.
  •  The horn was ultrasonically cleaned as well. All new valve stem corks and felts. Excellent port alignment. New waterkey corks. The 1st valve does not have the optional hook (doesn’t need one) and the 3rd valve finger ring adjustment move freely without drag. Excellent valve speed and compression.
  • The exterior of the extra large Selmer case is in excellent condition. The interior needed some touch up re-furbishing to make it more aesthetically pleasing.
  •  The case latches work fine and secure the instrument nicely.  No keys available for this case.
  • Notes(07/24/2024): bore size remeasured/verified =.468′

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Selmer K-Modifed 25X S/N 25841  trumpet from around 1962 I’ve been told the ‘X’ stands for Exceptional.  This horn lives up to this description. Never Refinished, minor  Dent repair, Superb Valve Action, An excellent jazz horn, with a smoky sound, nimble response and dead-on intonation. Valves are fast have plenty of compression. There are no signs or trauma, damage or alterations. Just  a little lacquer missing. This horn is a stunning player as well as a collectors item! The extensive engraving is sharp and clear and BEAUTIFUL.  Designed by Keith Ecker for Selmer (Is how the K-Mod gets its name) Many great players have used K-Mods over the years and a lot still do. Some players believe it is an excellent alternative to the classic Martin Committee with it’s own characteristic jazz sound, and others point out that it is similar in sound and response to the more modern but now discontinued Selmer Chorus 80J. Get this 62 year old ‘BADBOY’ for half the price of a Chorus 80J!  Reeves Precision Valve Alignment performed September 20221

Additional information

Weight 15 lbs
Dimensions 24 × 12 × 12 in